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Hey all you lovers out there, have a love-filled Valentines Day, try not to get toooooo freaky! We will be posting the next batch of responses this week..... sorry about the delay. Please try to keep your comments short if you would like them posted. Don't forget to JOIN US! You will receive a FREE Bumper Sticker, and be updated with news on abortion weekly.

50 yrs.
You have a wonderful website,you should be very proud of the good you are doing! God bless you!
23 yrs.
I really like your site,my brother was aborted at
6 months gestation,2 years before I was born and I have
2 children that are the same months apart as my brother and I would have been and it really hurts to think that he died for no reason other my mother was selfish. I had my first child at 15 years old,so age is no excuse,and I have had 2 more kids since. My daughter has a blood disorder and even had I known before she was born,I would have never aborted her due to something that was not her fault. Thanks for the great site.God Bless! Anyone who can look at a picture of a unborn baby and still say it is "their body,Their choice" is a NUT! I have 3 children and not at any given time was their body was their body. I had a child at 15 and age is not a n excuse,rape is not an excuse ask my friend's 9 year old son who was conceived by rape,ask a disabled child like my daughter who has a life-threating blood disorder. There is no excuse for abortion except stupidity. Not many people claim they are forced,and then Oh I wanted the baby so bad,Bull..No one is that sorry that they would allow someone to force them to kill their child. I would kill someone before they would hurt my kids. People need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. especially when it involves another person.(ie.unborn baby). Adoption is a beautiful choice next to raising the child yourself it is the only real choice...In memory of my aborted brother Jessee.
Brandy, I am sorry to hear about your brother not making it. My brother Jimmy was also going to be aborted but my mother knew it was wrong and cancelled her abortion apointment. You have a strong spirit and sound like a wonderful mother / woman. Sorry again for you loss.
46 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
I'm pro-choice because I don't push my beliefs on others. I myself would not choose abortion, but what's best for me isn't best for everyone. My religion is not for abortion, but my religion doesn't speak for everyone. Some are athiest and don't believe in God, so I respect their opinion. Pro-choice people think abortion should be an option, that doesn't mean that every pro-choicer will get an abortion. I heard about your website and I must say I'm dissapointed with it. As a former pro-lifer I understand your viewpoint, but your website is highly immature. Calling people "wackos" because they have a different opinion is ignorant. Ignorant is defined as a lack of knowledge of a particular subject. You have called pro-choicers ignorant, but how did you come to that conclusion? Many pro-choicers have done their research and they also listen to the pro-life opinion. If you are as truly "open-minded" as you say, you would give the pro-choice argument more respect. If you want your pro-life argument to be taken seriously, you might want to go about it differently. No side has truly damning evidence that they are right. It's based on everyone's morals, opinion, and sometimes religion. Not everybody shares your morals, but that's what pro-choice is all about. I don't force my view on others, and you shouldn't be doing it either. I hope this doesn't get some stupid or lame answer. Please give me a mature and educated response.

If your neighbor was burning her infant son with a cigarette would you call your local Child Protection Agency? If so..... you are pushing your belief on others, telling them what they can and can not do with their children. Isn't abortion much more than beliefs and opinions when physical "actions" of cutting up helpless children are involved? Words are one thing, but to do the deed is quite another and goes way beyond an opinion. Yes you are right.... prochoices support the "option" to kill an innocent child. I have never heard of a pro-lifer who believes murdering children is wrong...... turn into a prochoicer who believes murdering children is OK...... where did you dump your moral system, or should I ask if there ever was a moral system? In no way shape or form are we open-minded to the pro-choice baby killing opinion, where did you read such an awful thing? Is it ignorant or denial when a prochoicer claims that it is OK to "end a pregnancy" because there is "no child in a pregnant mother's uterus?" About 70% of prochoicers who respond to this site become prolife as a result, so I guess we are taken seriously enough by those who count. You claim there is no evidence of right or wrong in the process of aborting/terminating a preborn child.......why don't you take a close look the aborted children photos posted on this site. If you can't find anything wrong with severed arms and legs then I guess you know why we call you wackos. You are right.... not every one shares the same morals.... but we can all agree..... killing and exploiting children is evil..... and that is what prochoice is all about. Abortion is killing and exploiting children. The only difference between pro-life and prochoice is abortion.
23 yrs.
In this horrible era of legalized infanticide, I would be honored to be a member of any organization that spreads the message of how awful abortion is!! Keep up the good work.
13 yrs.
To the girl who,s 21 and a social worker- i,d hate to have you decide what becomes of my child. To all prolifers keep up the good work, if we don,t defend the unborn who will????. Keep up the good work sue, this site is excellent.will recommend it to all!!!!
19 yrs.
I just have to say that this is one of the best web sites that I have visited - Thankyou!!!
26 yrs.
i am glad that there are people who feel like i do! iam tired of our children NOT being a priority in this country! the murdering and abuse is getting way out of hand!so to all the people who praise god every sunday, get off your god fearing butts and put a end to all this violence to our babies and children!
18 yrs.
Thank you for having the guts to tell the TRUTH as it is! God bless you and may everything you do in life be as good as this!
15 yrs.
Pro-Choice Sucks thats all I got to say because the site does answer itself i mean why would the stupid "wackos" say killing people is wrong then agree to pro-choice and people wonder why I hate hyprocrytes. Well thats all I got to say thank you for listening.
27 yrs.
I am very happy to have found this site! I have been Pro-Life my whole life. I am glad to see people support the cause for the Unborn! Thank You!
20 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
Nice sight, pro-lifers. I will give you this, your sights devote more time how to prove the other side wrong than ours. Thanks for the great idea's, maybe my side should have a similar sight! I mean, us pro-choice, wacko, apes in lipstick should have our say too, eh? Adoption can be a wonderful thing, but consider this: my mother choose life and the wonderful adoption agency plced me with an alchoholic father & co dependant mother. And they passed the CSS (Catholic Social Services ) Criteria! Can you imagine what these private adoption people could, not always, granted,but could possibly be like,if they could not pass the criteria? Also,I have two freinds. One had an abotion, one did not. The one who did is a happy Jr. in college, with a 3.5 GPA. The one who did not had to transfer schools to get out of that college. People keep asking her How's the baby? Oh, wern't you due in...? She dropped to part time collge because of deep depression. She constantly wonders how her baby is, is he treated right, Etc. Now, who's better off?
I don't want to be rude or anything... but are you actually trying to say you would have rather been "terminated" than adopted? I am sorry if you had a rotten childhood / adoptive parents..... at least you escaped with your life..... right? One of your friends murdered her child so that she did not have to go through 9 months of pregnancy, parenting / adoption. She is happy ..... all she had to do was murder some one. OK..... your other friend did not kill her child... but chose to be a responsible -loving parent...... sacrificing "the good life" for her child. You want to know who is better off? Simple.... the child who got to live. It is time we stop thinking of "our-selves" only...... a child is "murdered" during the process of abortion.
24 yrs.
Great site!!!! The difference between Abortion and Adoption is one of the easiest questions to answer. Adoption is a loving, caring, responsible, and selfless act. Abortion is a selfish act that damages many lives in the long run.
15 yrs.
I really don't get why women get abortions. A woman should think about the consequences of having sex before they're pregnant and are forced to get an abortion. I was adopted when I was a baby and I think that this was the best choice that my birth mother could have made for me and herself. My mom now couldn't conceive a child and she and my dad were so happy that when the adoption agency called and said that they had a baby for them, they forgot to ask if I was a boy or girl. For them, they really didn't care what sex I was, they were gonna love me either way. Abortion should be permently snuffed out in the entire world!
24 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
yeah--like i'd actually give you freaks my name--YOU are the sick ones showing this sort of swill on the internet. Who the hell wants to look at DEAD BABIES? You are perverted--this isn't about being PRO LIFE--this is about showing sick footage of those less advantaged than yourselves, and exploiting the souls of these wee victims. Your website should be banned--and your "challenge" is ridiculous. Telling people they "suck" really is going to make them more moral and loving of themselves, right? Besides that, how could you call yourselves "GOD LOVING" and at the same time call women and other human beings "WACKOS"? (especially when you actually did whatever you had to do to obtain these hideous photos). If GOD is really watching you, She will be judging you morons in the end.

Professors display photos of the "reality" of murdered Jewish victims while teaching the tragedy of the Holocaust... do you consider this as showing swill also? I am glad to see that you are as out-raged as we are about the "content" of the photos.. which is children murdered by prochoice abortionists. The photos were obtained from dumpsters behind abortion clinics. It is correct to call child murders and molesters wackos... kind of rolls off the tongue really. Ahhhh..... did you rank "suck" on the challenge page? God does not claim to be a woman, and yes "He" is watching and will judge ALL of us in the end.
18 yrs.
how cananyone who has seen a newborn baby or an aborted one be pro-choice?!?
13 yrs.
I think that abortion should be considered fetal abuse and any one who does abort an innocent child should be given a jail sentence. Abortion sucks and should be banned.
15 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
You really need to learn to have some basic respect for other people's opinions (some grammar would be nice, too). Despite the fact that I think that the opinions you are peddling are quite simply WRONG, deep down I know that you have a right to those opinions. But you could certainly be more urbane in your handling of expressing them. You come off as a raving and uneducated "wacko." You claim to love children so much. How come I do not find a link to a site to feed hungry, starving children here? Where is that special page dedicated to all the babies you've adopted, saved from the "horror" of abortion; a testiment to how much you "love" children? Bingo. Don't DARE to claim that you care so much about something if you're not willing to get your hands dirty in helping it. And no, uploading mangled, bloody fetus photos in hopes of scaring women out of having abortions does not count. If you cared so much about these babies, you would be around to assist when there is a new, accountable individual. And don't go giving me that "oh, but it's an individual human person from conception onwards." You can't be an individual if you exist inside someone else.
I guess we just respect human "life" rather than the opinions of those who support child killing. You do not like the way we express it is wrong to kill a child? Hummm...... maybe you have a better idea how to get the pro-life message across than we do? The internet is jammed packed with valuable information and links to adoption, crisis pregnancy centers, and food banks..... this web site is dedicated to the falsies of prochoice / abortion. (click here for our links). You assume way way too much if you think we sit on our hands and do not help mothers and children in need...... regardless.... what does you killing your child have to do with us helping others? Are you under the impression that a pregnant mother and her unborn child are some how united as one person? At conception you get all of your DNA & Chromosomes which make you an individual, separate from all others. By the way, why do you believe that our hopes of : mangled, bloody fetus photos will scare women out of having abortions? Do you believe that pictures of bloody-murdered, aborted children impact the decision of abortion minded pregnant mothers?
19 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
I have been in a spot where abortion was an option.I was raped.I did not do it because i felt that God didnt give me to much to handle .2 weeks after finding out I was preg. I lost my baby.But I can not stand by and judge a girl because of their choice.I dont beleive in getting one, but I also dont know the girls story.Nobody understands the way she really feels!Some girls have to get them for medical reasons should we judge them? What about the girls who are raped or incest.These cases do exist!I dont believe it is a good birth control though.I think all we can do is pray for the girls and the babies.May God be with them all.God doesn't want us to judge anyone that is his job.God bless!!!!!!!!!
Aborting or as I like to call it "terminating" a human child is currently a legal option to every American pregnant mother, no matter how her child was conceived. You are 19 years old, you should know by now that killing an innocent child is never justified. Why do you think it is a valid option/choice to kill an innocent child when we suffer problems/inconveniences? Would you kill an already born child when trouble arises? Have you ever heard about adoption? Regarding rape/incest, yes you are right, it does exist, and children are conceived in rape/incest.... but how does killing an innocent child erase or reverse it? It doesn't, it only makes the mother who was once a victim.... into a killer. Why should she suffer twice when adoption is such a loving answer? Regarding God: God gives us life, He gives us hope, wisdom, self-control, mercy, love, and help through times of trouble..... He also commands us not to murder. God "does" wants us to make wise Judgment/choices. Killing His children, born or unborn is never a wise decision as it kills a human being and plagues a mother with the guilt of murder.
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