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48 yrs.
Thank you for being there,and all you do... May JESUS bless you.
19 yrs.
I think what you guys do is great if I was pregnant and saw those pictures I would my belly thight and say to myself and my unborned child IT WILL BE OK!!! and fill myself with strengh!!
20 yrs.
how do you all think this is a choice??? that little baby can feel the same way you do , after seeing those photos,it made me so sick to think that you all can look at those and say Thats a choice- God will punish you all one day !!!!!you mark my words
21 yrs.
Prochoice Wacko
I am very sad to see this site make such light of such a personal choice (are bumper stickers really appropiate?). I suggest possibly maturing your site to make it a bit more believable, for not alot of people will take your choice of words seriously (ie-wacko), and just blow you off as just another right wing group. It would be nice to see all of your efforts directed to all the children alreay born who are abused and neglected. The foster care program is deluged with children whom no one wants. Being a social worker I see horrors far worse then an abortion on a daily basis. Now please only respond with sincerity, for I am not willing to play into petty scuffles. You have my full permission to post this letter ONLY if it not tampered with (ie-paraphrased or misquoted). Thank you.
Why do you consider terminating the life of another human being a person choice? Bumperstickers, hats, buttons, web sites, T-Shirts, signs, posters.... where ever you can place the pro-life message is always an appropriate place. We have a high rate of prochoice conversion to pro-life here, so I guess we are taken seriously enough by those who count. We strive to meet the needs of our target audience. I hope you are not insinuating that preborn children should be terminated because there is also a need to help abused children. I find it hard to believe that on a daily basis you see "horrors" far worse than abortion. Such visions of violence (children with their arms, legs and heads ripped off) would surely make national news. What led you to become a social worker at such a young age of 21?
43 yrs.
Great web site! Hope this is a divine connection. For over 10 years now I have been bearing my heart and soul at youth rallies, conferences, churches, women's meetings, and as well as on several TV and radio programs. You may be interested in a book we recently published entitled, "FORGIVEN of murder...A True Story."
14 yrs.
The ability to think, and feel makes anything alive, but the fact that God gave people souls makes us human, and personally, I don't think God counts days and gives them a soul after, say even a week or a month, much less after he/she is born.
15 yrs.
I think that life starts at conception becuase God makes us all in his image. If he started a life, he intends for it to finish. I also think that life begins at conception because many doctors and embryologists have said that it does. I would believe a doctor who went to college before a pro-abortionist pop-corn seller.
32 yrs.
Please all prolifers out there if you have time visit Prol-life America's It is a prolife website but all these proabortionists wackos keep getting on and attacking prolifers!! We need your help!!!!
35 yrs.
Wonderful site. I seem to have very little patience with the pro abs anymore, they regard life as trash. Your site is so dishy and informative, My little ones are going to have to pry me away! Especially interested in the organ sellers that are located just south of me-about 40 min. away. Unbelievable. Thanks for the site and your hard work.
28 yrs.
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for a wonderful website! I have been at the forum debating abortion for a while. It was amazing to find this website and see the same ridiculous comments posted on their forum. We need more prolife people like you to help us fight for babies.
  November 2000
  October 2000