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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Human Papilloma Virus - 33% of all women have this virus, which can cause cervical or penile cancer and genital pain.
Type: Viral
Modes of Transmission: Vaginal, anal or oral sex.
Symptoms: Painless fleshy, cauliflower-like warts develop on and inside the genitals, anus and throat.
Treatment: There is no known cure. Warts can be suppressed by chemicals, freezing, laser therapy and surgery.
Possible Consequences for the Infected Person: The some strains of the virus are strongly associated with cervical cancer as well as cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis and anus.
Possible Consequences for the Fetus and Newborn: Infants exposed to the virus in the birth canal can develop warts in the throat which can obstruct the airway and must be removed.
Prevention: Abstaining from vaginal, anal and oral sex with an infected person is the only 100% effective means of prevention. Latex condoms can reduce but not eliminate the risk of contracting the disease during sex.