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Truth is powerful and inbodies those who seek it with an open mind.
Abortion Tv
Politic Abortion Prochoice
What is the most effective birth control for a Prochoice feminist? Her face.
What do you call a Liberal with PMS? A Prochoice Feminist
What is the average name of a Prochoice Feminist? Moose.
What do you call when you cross a Prochoice Feminist and an Indian? Moosebear.
What is a Prochoice Feminist’s favorite perfume? Can De la Tuna.
What’s the definition of a “frenzy?” Clinton at a Prochoice rally.
How can you tell a Prochoice feminist is having her period? She is wearing a tampon behind her ear
What is the new Prochoice feminist craze? Cigars shaped like tampons.
How can you tell a Prochoice feminist is having her period? She is wearing only one boot.
How did the Prochoice feminist become a millionaire? She bought a truck load of hangers and sold them as Home Abortion Kits.
What do you call a Prochoice feminist speaker? An air bag.
What’s the difference between a Prochoice feminist and a guerrilla? Lipstick.
Why couldn’t Janet Reno’s boyfriend buy her a fur coat? The fur clashed with her mustache.
Why does Janet Reno get confused in the ladies room? Because she’s a man, baby.
Why do waiters at restaurants always serve Janet Reno’s dinner on the floor?
Janet Reno looks like she ran out of money half way through a sex change operation.
What does Janet Reno call a can of tuna fish? Potpourri.
What is the advantage of being an abortionist and believing the saying: "eat what you kill"? You don’t have to go out for lunch.
What is the latest Prochoice feminist abortion craze? Abort the children after they are born.
What is the first thing a Prochoice feminist does when her pregnant daughter goes into labor? Grabs a plastic bag and looks for the nearest dumpster.
What is the first thing a Prochoice feminist does when her pregnant daughter goes into labor? Calls Planned Parenthood for a late term abortion.
How can you tell if your kids go to a liberal school? They do abortions in biology class
What is the slimy stuff between an Elephants’ toes called? Liberals on the run.
Why did Barney Frank want to question gays in the military? He looked forward to some penetrating examinations.
Why does Barney Frank love playing golf in Puerto Rico? Because everyday he gets to try for another hole in Juan.
What is a huge fart in Congress? Barney Frank’s love call.
What do you call a cross between Barney Frank and an insect? A Boodyhopper.
What is event would Barney Frank like to see added to the Olympics? Drag racing.
Why is Barney Frank like a frog? The minute he sees flies his tongues comes out.
What is the difference between Carville and a catfish? One’s a scum sucking bottom dweller and ones a fish.
What’s the difference between Carville and a bald monkey? A sports jacket.
If you were in a room with Hitler, Mussolini and Carville and you only had two bullets what should you do? Shoot Carville twice.
What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and Carville? One has a Radio Show and is the most listened to in America and the other is a loud mouth bald liberal looser.
Why can’t liberals find facts? They aren’t looking for any.
How do liberals brain cells die? Lonely.
How do you confuse a liberal? You don’t, they are born that way
If Hillary, Bill and all the liberals are on a sinking ship, who gets saved? We do.
What’s the difference between an Iraq terrorist and a liberal? The Iraq terrorist makes fewer demands.
What’s the difference between liberals and cow pies? Cow pies stop stinking after awhile
Did you hear about the new liberal agenda. They got two hands in your front pocket and two in you back pockets.
What’s the definition of a liberal genius? A liberal who can count all 50 states.
What do you get when you cross a Jackass with an onion? A whinny Liberal.
How is being at a Democrat convention different from being at the circus? At the circus the clowns don’t beg and whine at you.
How do you keep a Liberal busy? Writer ‘please turn over’ on both sides f a piece of paper.
How many Liberals does it take to change a light bulb? It takes ten, nine to deny that darkness exists and one to hire a Republican to change it.
How much does a Liberal cost? Nothing, Liberals have no values.
How many chromosomes does a Liberal have? Only 45, they are missing the “Truth Acceptance Chromosome.”
What is the difference between Liberalism and Communism? The Communist admit it.
What religion do Liberals belong to? The one that worships a man named “Bubba.”
How high can a Liberal’s I-Q go? Only as high as the Liberal Spin they receive.
Why do Liberals lie? It comes natural
What is a Liberal’s primary “feeling?” Envy.
What is a sure way to teach a Liberal to fetch? Tie Bill Clinton’s picture to a stick and throw it.
Why do flies fly over Liberals heads? They have crap for brains.
How can you tell a group of Liberals? They are the ones burning the American Flag.
How can you tell a group of Liberals? They are the ones burning the Constitution
What is the difference between a Liberal and a bucket of old cheese? The bucket
What is the difference between giving to the poor and giving to Liberals? The poor don’t follow you around for three weeks whining for more.
Why did God make Liberal smarter than rats? He didn’t.
How do you drown a Liberal? You paint Bill Clinton’s face at the bottom of a pool.
Why do Liberals like smart women? Opposites attract.
Why is it so hard for Liberals to make eye contact? Clinton’s rear doesn’t have eyes.
Why is it so hard for Liberals to see? There are no lights in Clinton’s rear.
How can you tell between cow pies and Liberals? You Can’t.

You Know Your a Liberal if...............
You know your a liberal if............... your mouth moves faster than your brain.
You know your a liberal if............... you are against the death penalty, but support abortion
You know your a liberal if............... the only way you can converse is to repeat slogans.
You know your a liberal if............... you have allot of data, but no facts.
You know your a liberal if............... your two year old lies less than you.
You know your a liberal if............... you think China is a step up for America
You know your a liberal if............... you burn flags on the 4th of July.
You know your a liberal if............... you have an abortion while wearing a “Save the Wales” T-shirt.
CLINTON, Hillary,Monica, and Al Gore
What do you say to a Liberal President who is wearing a red tie? Will the defendant please rise.
Why do Liberals follow Bill Clinton? They love the smell of stank.
What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Jesus Christ? One is the Son of God, and the other is a S.O.B.
What’s the definition of a “frenzy?” Clinton in a whorehouse
What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Jesus Christ? One said “the truth will set you free,” and the other said “the truth will lock me up.”
What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Jesus Christ? The Conservatives worship One, and the Liberals worship the other.
Does the Bible foretell Clinton? No, but it does speak of a snake.
What paper will carry William Jefferson Clinton’s legacy? Toilet paper.
What magazine will carry William Jefferson Clinton’s legacy? Playboy.
What is the last thing Clinton wants to hear when he is making love? Honey I’m home.
How will Bill Clinton entertain himself in jail? Hey Macarena.
If you see Bill Clinton with a lady, what is the first thing you should do? Check to see if she’s your wife.
Why does Bill Clinton wear boxers not briefs? Boxers keep his ankles warmer.
What is the difference between Clinton and a tent? It is difficult to erect a tent
How does Clinton turn on the light after he makes love? He opens the car door.
What is the best Intern Bill Clinton could have? One that never misses a period
Why did Monica have to get on top? Because Clinton always screws up.
How do you know for sure when Clinton is lying? When he opens his mouth.
How can you tell the difference between Monica and Hillary? One turns heads and the other turns stomachs.
Why doesn’t Clinton’s dog buddy do tricks? Because you have to be smarter than the dog to teach it tricks.
What sign does Clinton give when he is lying? He wags his finger and opens his mouth.
What is the difference between a dead snake on a HWY. and a dead Clinton on the HWY.? There are skid marks before the snake.
Why is Clinton so tough on criminals? He doesn’t like competition.
Why are all Hillary’s friends lesbian? So she can trust them around her husband.
What has Monica learned from her troubles? Don’t light the cigar first.
Why does Monica Lewisnsky get confused in the ladies room? She has to pull her own pants down.
What are Al Gores chances at becoming President? Excellent if the GOP nominates a tree.
How can Clinton save Hillary from drowning? If he takes his foot off her head.
What is the only thing less exciting than hearing Al Gore speak? Watching Hillary undress.
What is the only thing less boring than hearing Al Gore speak? Nothing.
What does Monica think of when she smells a cigar? Clinton.
E-Mail the Wackos, and tell them What's Up
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Tell Clinton / Gore What's Up!!