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Truth is powerful and inbodies those who seek it with an open mind.
Abortion Tv
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
We celebrate the love found in a relationship that practices abstinence in all relationships until marriage. You've heard of Safe Sex and Safer Sex -- we celebrate Safest Sex, which is sex inside the fully commited relationship of marriage. If you and your partners are virgins when you marry, you have no reason to worry about STD's, and if you're both drug free, you have no reason to worry about AIDS.
80% Choose Chastity
Did you know that the majority of the world's population doesn't have to worry about STDs or AIDS when they have sex because they waited until marriage and are committed to that marriage?
Don't let anyone make you think that because you're waiting til marriage that you're in the minority. Fact is that over 80% of the world population waits until marriage
Why they wait til marriage:
But people don't wait just because of STDs or AIDS. They wait because they know that sex is one of the greatest gifts we've been given -- the ability to create life. Not only does real sexual love give life to the relationship of a married couple, it can also give life to a new human being created in the image and likeness of our Creator. This elevates human sexuality from mere animal sex where availability is the main requirement to a full, intimate expression of love and commitment. Treasure that gift. The greatest gift you can give each other on your wedding night is the gift of your virginity. What if it's too late? Remember, virginity is lost more in your heart than in your body. Change your heart and start over with secondary virginity!
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