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Who Is Andrew H. Card?
Source: RNC For Life
Date: Nov. 2000
Who Is Andrew H. Card? George W. Bush has named Andy Card as his White House Chief-of Staff, should he assume the presidency in January. The position of chief-of-staff is the most powerful job in the White House. All policy directors report to him and he has access to the President 24 hours a day. He is the consummate "gate-keeper." According to the Philadelphia Inquirer (5/4/00), Andrew Card, 53, is from Holbrook, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature from 1974 to 1983. Pro-life leaders in Massachusetts recall that Mr. Card was not listed on the legislative pro-life side of the fence. In 1980, Andy Card helped run the Massachusetts primary effort for the elder George Bush against Ronald Reagan in his unsuccessful campaign for president. In 1982, Card lost a bid for the Republican nomination for Massachusetts governor. President Bush appointed Andy Card to a Cabinet position in 1992, where he served as Secretary of Transportation. He later became a "top General Motors Corp. lobbyist" as vice-president of government relations. (Detroit News, 10/4/2000) Last summer George W. Bush enlisted the help of Mr. Card who took an unpaid leave-of-absence to organize the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. Thereafter, he again left GM to serve as a senior adviser to Bush on the round of debates against Al Gore. Colin Powell is Pro-Abortion Yesterday, General Colin Powell met with George W. Bush at his Texas ranch to discuss issues related to defense and foreign policy. Everyone in the media expects that Bush will ask Powell to serve as Secretary of State, once he is confirmed as President. Colin Powell says he hasn't been asked and won't comment on his answer if he is asked, until after he has given it to the president-elect. Colin Powell supports a woman's "right to choose" to kill her unborn baby. That position has a lot to do with why George W. Bush should not ask him to be Secretary of State if he wants to discontinue the Clinton/Gore population control policies currently being pushed by our State Department around the world. Pro-life Americans have been hoping for a new administration that would end federal funding of International Planned Parenthood, restore the Mexico City policy, appoint ambassadors who would encourage solutions for the problems in developing nations that respect life, and send U.S. delegations to U.N. conferences who will work with, not against, the Holy See and the many Catholic and Muslim countries who do not want our brand of sexual promiscuity and venereal diseases exported to their shores. Some people think that Bush will name a pro-life Ambassador to the United Nations. If he does, that's fine, but that isn't the job that counts. The U.N. Ambassador simply represents the policies of the United States in the General Assembly and the Security Council. He or she does not set the policy. That is the job of the Secretary of State to whom everyone else in the State Department must answer. That's the job that counts. It should not be given, by a pro-life president, to Colin Powell or anyone else who does not respect the right to life of the innocent unborn baby -- whether in California, or India, or Guatemala, or Egypt. Christine Todd Whitman - What Next? New Jersey pro-lifers are concerned that their pro-abortion Governor, Christine Todd Whitman, may end up with a top appointment in the new Bush administration. After all, she has vigorously supported Bush, actively and frequently campaigned for him, raised tons of money to help get him elected, and is reportedly in Florida helping to monitor the election mess for him. It stands to reason that she would expect a possible Cabinet post, or perhaps an ambassadorship. Bush's advisers surely know what a bombshell it would be for millions of pro-life voters if Whitman were appointed to any government position even remotely connected to social policy and abortion.
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