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Prochoice NO MORE: Kathy Sparks always had a desire to become a nurse - an OB nurse, perhaps she thought. She loved to see babies being born. Shortly after Kathy married she and her husband, Mike had a daughter.
prochoice, pro-choice, abortion, abortionist, women, woman, fetal, pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, anti-abortion, fetus, embryo, anti-life, clinic, doctor, pregnant, debate, feminist, information
Kathy Sparks
Finding themselves in awful debt, Kathy decided to go to put off her schooling and go to work. She was given a job lead by a friend for a position at an abortion clinic. Considering herself to be quite pro-choice and excited to be able to be involved in the medical field without a degree, she pursued the lead. Following is the testimony of Kathy Sparks. I had a very intense interview. They really want to make sure that you are pro-choice before they hire you, and I really was. I did not have to convince them; it was obvious. They primarily hired me to assist the doctor during the abortion procedure, but now I can see how God’s hand was upon me, even then, because I was allowed to view every single area of that abortion clinic. In the beginning they trained me to answer the telephones and make appointments. Then I was trained to do all sorts of fun medical things, like take blood pressure. I just really loved it; I liked my job. I got to wear a white uniform. All the desires in my heart to be a nurse were being somewhat fulfilled, as evil as it was. I did not see how evil abortion was, it did not bother me at all. When I saw my first abortion procedure, I didn’t see it any differently than dissecting a frog in biology. I had blinders upon my eyes, as I believe many people involved in the abortion industry do. In my opinion, the most important part of this particular clinic was the counseling. I was able to sit in with one particular worker who had eight years of college; she was so very good. She could sit down with these girls and cry with them at the drop of a pin. She would immediately start drawing them out, asking them all kinds of good questions. She would find out what their pressure point was- what was driving them to abort their child. Whatever the pressure point was, she would magnify it. If it was the fact that her parents were going to "kill" her, and she didn’t know how to tell her then the counselor would tell her: You don’t have to, that’s why abortion is here; we want to help you; this is the answer to your problems. If it was money, she would tell them how much baby items cost: You know, it does cost $3,000 to have a baby now, and, you know, baby shoes are $28; sleepers are$15. The counseling at this particular clinic was so effective that 99 out of every 100 women would go ahead and abort. Next I worked in the recovery room phase, then the clean-up room. The clean up room was the worst part of the clinic, in my opinion, because it was so messy. That’s where the babies were brought. The ones that were small enough- 12 to 13 weeks or less, we would put in jar, label them, and put them in a big box to off to the pathology lab. I want to share with you the type of person that I was. I did drugs, I drank; I was just a very, very bad sinner. When the babies would be put in the jars, we would hold them up and kind of twirl them around and look at the little arm and little leg float up. As sick as that sounds, that’s the way it was, and that’s the way it is at a lot of places right now. Then, of course, I worked the procedure room where I assisted the doctors. So I was going on day-in and day-out, and things were getting very bad in my life. The Lord was allowing a lot of things to happen. All of the sin that I had been participating in was killing me inside. And I was going into the abortion clinic every day, not knowing what it was doing to my soul. One evening, when things hit a low, I actually had a nervous breakdown. I turned to my mother-in-law, who I considered to be a "Jesus Freak," in desperation. We sat on the porch and she told me all about Jesus Christ. That night, it was July 28, we prayed together and I committed my life to Jesus Christ. Three months later, I was still going to the abortion clinic. One particular day when I went into the clinic it was freezing cold. I could not get warm. I was chilled all the way down to my bones. It was incredible because no one else seemed to notice [the cold]. One of the first abortions done that day was on a woman who was 23 weeks pregnant. This woman should have had a saline or a laminaria abortion, or even a hysterectomy. Anything would have been better than to try to do a D&C on a woman that far along. She laid on the table. She was a regular-built person and she had a belly. And I thought, no way! That couldn’t be the baby! I was trembling and getting a little bit nervous. But he [the abortionist] began the procedure. He started to dilate her with the dilating rods and the water broke. A procedure that would normally take five to eight minutes took one hour. This woman was in so much pain she was coming off the table. Every medical assistant and nurse was in that room. The woman was screaming; the nurse was yelling at her because everybody else was getting quite upset in the waiting area, as you can imagine. The baby’s bones were far too developed to rip them up with his curette, so he had to pull the baby out with forceps. He brought out three or four major pieces. There this little boy was, laying on the table. I took the baby to the clean up room, I set him down and I began weeping, uncontrollably, for what I had been a part of. God showed me that was a baby, they were all babies. I had been a part of murdering nearly 1,000 babies. I cried and cried. This little face was perfectly formed; his little eyes were closed, everything was perfect about this baby. The recovery nurse wanted to see what was taking me so long. She walked in [the cleanup room], looked at me, shut the door and went to get the director of the abortion clinic. This woman walked in, shut the door behind her and grabbed me. She began to rebuke me; pull yourself together, you are a professional. She took the baby boy and flushed him down the toilet. I told her I couldn’t work procedure any more, that I’d stay in cleanup. That night I went home and told [my husband] about the entire experience. I didn’t know what to do, we had thousands of dollars worth of debt. He said, let’s just pray about it. That night I lit two candles at the side of my bed and sat down and prayed a very childlike prayer: Lord, if you want me out, just speak to me, and if I know it’s going to be okay, I’ll leave Lord. I will leave. Just tell me. The next morning at the abortion clinic, I was working the cleanup room and the director walked in. She was troubled and said; Kathy I had a dream last night that and it was so real I don’t know if I dreamed it or if you told me this. I dreamed that you walked in and told me you had to quit this place because of you religion! I had not told a single person that I had made a commitment to the Lord. So I told her; you did have a dream, I did not tell you that, but I am going to quit. I do have to leave and it is because of my religion. I quit the abortion clinic and it was incredible. I went through a series of changes, as we all do when we come to know the Lord in a personal way. First, I really had to receive what Jesus Christ had done for me when He died on Calvary; that He died so that every sin I had committed could be cleansed and forgiven. It took me six months before I could really accept His forgiveness and I repented before Him for every abortion. I received the fact that I was a new creature. That old person was dead.